
Our Mission

The purpose of this organization is to unify all Black people in America to work together around common purposes. To pursue our common determination to promote understanding among our people and cooperation in all matters pertaining to their survival and advancement, we will support the aspirations of our people building and running resource centers across all 50 states in urban areas, starting in Chicago, IL. In facilities called Safe Haven. Where we will provide access to free resources currently denied by the government to Black communities across America. We will provide free educational workshops on Black history, tutoring services from grade school to highschool, financial literacy workshops, small business workshops and resume building, homeownership workshops, mental health group sessions, college bound counseling, and monthly meetings on our local and national legislative agenda continuing the fight for equality for all Black people.

Majority of Black communities are under-resourced in U.S. metropolitan areas. Local investment and public policy changes are vital to our organization. Currently inner-city residents represent 14% of the population—that’s 45 million people. Of U.S. residents living in poverty, 31% live in inner-cities.

Instead of just listing the problems, we are an organization focused on solutions. We emphasize solutions that create and improve education, businesses, jobs, and generate wealth within the community. All revolutionary thinkers understand that changing the world for the better is not only possible, its inevitable. We want to empower Black communities across the country to be apart of our vision.

“We need to cultivate a national agenda for the empowerment of the black community. We must unify our vested interest into the equality of resources and opportunity. “

-President and Founder

Melody Angel


-Our Current BRC Chapters-

  • Chicago Chapter HQ

  • Detroit Chapter

  • Oakland, CA Chapter

  • Dallas, TX Chapter

  • Philly, PA Chapter

  • Atlanta Chapter